Track Member Engagement with Scoring and Dashboards

Track Member Engagement with Scoring and Dashboards

How to Track Member Engagement with Scoring and Dashboards?

While running an association, the common speed bump executives constantly mention is managing the diversity of memberships.

An association functions with its members, and with such a vast community of people, there are actions and responsibilities associated with them—joining, renewal, purchasing products, attending association events, advocating for the causes, etc. Whether a small or large association, while their memberships on the surface might seem homogenous, they actually are diverse.

To put it simply, managing and engaging members with diverse preferences and values can be difficult. With each one at a different stage of their membership cycle, you need to constantly deliver them value that will be meaningful to them. With members’ preferences continually changing and evolving with time, it is important to anticipate their needs in the moments that matter with active communication, backed up by real-time engagement data.

More than half of organizations with a member engagement plan reported that using Scoring and Dashboards helped them solve long- and short-term member engagement-related issues.

In this post, we are going to explore:

  • Member Engagement and Scoring: Explained
  • Impact Revenue with Scorecards and Dashboards

Member Engagement and Scoring: Explained

An Engagement Scoring Process functions in a way where every time a specific member does something (registers for an event, likes and shares social media post, subscribes to an association’s blog, etc.), their Engagement Score gets added upon each activity accordingly. Notably, a high Engagement Score is a strong indicator that the member will likely renew their membership the next season.

Scoring your member’s engagement activities is a tool that provides your association access to:

  • Predictive data and statistics on members who are likely to renew
  • Who will possibly volunteer to recruit
  • Member that is likely to buy a specific product or sign up for a particular event
  • How they will respond to certain marketing and email campaigns

Read More: How to maximize member engagement using the Power of Salesforce Einstein AI

1. Member Engagement Scoring: Weighing Indicators

Member Engagement Scoring: Weighing Indicators

Impact Revenue with Scorecards and Dashboards

No matter at what stage your association is, member engagement should always be one of your top priorities. Engagement secures your association’s relevance for your members and fuels healthy member retention.

When member preferences and interests keep changing over time, scoring lets you, an association, actively cater to their needs and effectively boost non-dues revenue. Let’s delve deeper:

1. Efficient Marketing Strategies

A detailed understanding of why and how members engage with your association lets you maximize the impact and effectiveness of marketing/fundraising campaigns and overall communication strategies.

Scoring lets you understand that members who are at different levels of their relationship with your association respond to management efforts in specific ways. With scoring data and analytics, you can segment your members and specifically cater personalized engagement efforts in the following ways:

  • Deliver personalized content in emails and marketing materials to members at a specific level of engagement.
  • Customize the messages members and leads see when they engage with your association via website, emails, landing pages, or social media.

2. Decode Trends

When you have various data sets stored in your database, they can be used to create intensive analytic structures. These further can be decoded to calculate trends, plan future strategic plans, and unveil relationships among data structures. With scoring and dashboards, you get access to extremely valuable real-time reports that provide your team valuable insights and statistics on member preferences and predict their future actions to build their association with your organization.

Report that shows the performance of a campaign in terms of lead engagement:

Decode Trends

When you leverage the strengths of both Scoring and Dashboards, you get access to exclusive analytics and reporting.

3. Align Objectives

Scoring member engagement activities throws light towards where your business is currently positioned compared to where you want it to be. This lets you understand how you can adjust your strategies to align your objectives and goals.

To quantify your progress, it is recommended to set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that let you measure your organization’s progress towards quantifiable goals. Measure your performance using key objectives and evaluate your success at reaching targets.

For example, consider measuring how often your members engage with your posts, how often you gain or lose followers, and which types of your posts on social media get the most attention.

Report that shows the performance of a campaign in terms of lead engagement:

Align Objectives

4. Measure Impact

Imagine if you could keep track and measure every step you take to impact your organization’s relevance and long-term revenue. With scoring, you can “keep score” and control measures you want to fine-tune that may impact the execution of strategies.

Once you have scores, your development teams have the power to make data-driven decisions. Consider a scenario where you can effectively segment members for various marketing efforts, just by creating labels that define the groups – “all members in the leader group,” “all members with a score between 50 and 60,” “all members with an event participation score.”

Leveraging scoring reports and dashboards at the right times can give your organization a clear prediction of where you are headed with your goals and retaining memberships. Keep watching this space for more information on Member Engagement with Scoring and Dashboards, and we are positive that our webinar on membership scoring will be of great help!

Read More: Advantages of Integrating your Online Community.

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